
FY 2019 CSBG Recap

Fiscal year October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019, West Central GA CAC, Inc. assisted 153 households/individuals in its eight (8) county service delivery areas of Crisp, Dooly, Macon, Marion, Schley, Sumter, Taylor, and Webster. Each household/individual received a case management plan to ensure that they received the services/referrals needed to move through the self sufficiency outcome scale (crisis, vulnerable, stable, safe, and thriving). Each case plan was monitored on a 30, 60, 90, 120 day follow up in order to track each households/individuals progress of gaining and maintaining self sufficiency. The following service categories, shows the number of households/individuals served and the services provided including outreach and referrals to our partners and collaboratives in our local communities.

For FY 2019, West Central GA CAC, Inc. assisted a total of 153 households/Individuals in the eight county service delivery areas (Crisp, Dooly, Macon, Marion, Schley, Sumter, Taylor, Webster) with CSBG services and outcomes in the following categories:

Service Category Households/

Individuals Served

Services Provided
Employment 106 Job Readiness Training, Job Fairs, Employer Advocacy, Job Referrals, Job Placements

Career Counseling Workshops, Interview Skills Training Sessions, Career Coaching Sessions, Job Coaching

Education & Cognitive Development 69 Head Start (Referral), K-12 Education, Tutoring/Other Child Education Support,

Child/Youth Financial Literacy Training, Summer Youth Recreational Programs,

Summer Youth Education Programs, Youth Mentoring, Youth Leadership Training,

Adult Literacy Classes, GED Classes, Parental Involvement Activities, After School Enrichment Activity, Post Secondary Education Prep

Income 157 Financial Management Program, Child Support Referrals, Disability Advocacy, Snap Benefits Assistance, Benefit Assistance, Telephone Discount Enrollment
Housing 337 Housing/Energy Finance Counseling, Housing/Energy Financial Coaching, Rental Assistance Referral, Job Placements, Housing Advocacy, Utility Payment Assistance, Utility Arrearage Assistance, Permanent Housing Placements, Rental Counseling, Home Repairs,

Independent Living Home Improvement, Healthy Home Services, Energy Efficiency Improvements

Health & Nutrition 56 Vision Screenings, Family Planning Classes, Wellness Classes, Exercise/Fitness, Nutrition Counseling, Prepared Meals, Food Boxes/Bags, Family Mentoring, Life Skills Training, Parenting Classes, Personal Items, Nutrition Education Collaborative
Civic Engagement & Community Involvement 15

Board Training, Board Committee Meetings, Board Fundraisers

Multiple Domains 542 Emergency Clothing Assistance, Mediation/Advocacy, Case Management, Emergency Clothing, Follow-ups (90 days), Follow-ups (180 days), Application for Enrollment, Crisis Counseling/Intervention, Over Income, But Served, Emergency Referrals

FY 2019 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Recap

West Central GA CAC, Inc has successfully completed another LIHEAP season!! The chart below will show how many clients were served and how much funding was expended in each county.

County Total Clients Served Total Funds Expended
Crisp 709 $258,290.00
Dooly 341 $122,400.00
Macon 412 $145,418.00
Marion 184 $64,270.00
Schley 136 $47,780.00
Sumter 878 $316,200.00
Taylor 278 $99,440.00
Webster 96 $34,660.00
Totals 3,034 $1,088,458.00
  • The FY 2019 LIHEAP Program successfully ended on June 30, 2019 with a total of 3,034 clients receiving assistance, expending a total of $1,088,458. The FY 2019 LIHEAP Program serviced 490 more clients than in the FY 2018 LIHEAP Program totaling $201,298.

FY 2019 Weatherization Assistance Program Recap

West Central Georgia CAC, Inc. Weatherization Assistance Program(WAP) – assists low-income families, particularly the elderly, people with disabilities and children by reducing the high cost of home heating and cooling, improving the energy efficiency of their homes while ensuring their health and safety. The major process involves installation of weatherization measures such as weather-stripping, minor repairs, energy efficient light bulbs, smoke and carbon dioxide detectors, insulation, and etc.

FY 2019 GEFA WX- DOE/HHS Weatherization Contracts -23 households received Weatherization measures in our 11 service delivery areas of Chattahoochee-(0*), Crisp-(3), Dooly-(7), Macon-(3), Marion-(2), Schley-(3), Stewart-(1), Sumter-(3), Talbot-(0*), Taylor-(0), Webster-(1) expending a total of $189.543.74.

*All clients were pulled from the waiting list FY 2019. At this time the waiting list has been exhausted, outreach for weatherization referrals is now in process. To apply please refer to Weatherization Programs tab.

FY 2019 In-Kind Recap

West Central GA Community Action Council, Inc. would like to thank the following FY 2019 partners, volunteers, and organizations/businesses that assisted us with helping our clients become more self- sufficient by providing the following in-kind donations and services listed below:

In-Kind Contributions

Crisp Co. Crisp Co. Community Council

Dooly Co. Tyson Foods Inc.

Dooly Co. Business Development Center

Marion Co. City of Buena Vista

Schley Co. City of Ellaville

Sumter Co. Southwest GA CAC, Inc.

Sumter Co. Union Tabernacle Baptist Church

Taylor Co. Taylor Co. Commissioners

Webster Co. Webster Co. Commissioners


Concerned Citizens That Cares Crisp Co.

First United Methodist Church Crisp Co.

Boys & Girls Club of Macon Co. Macon Co.

E.P.I.C Mentoring Program Macon Co.

Oglethorpe Detail Shop Macon Co.

Fellowship Community Church Taylor Co.

Taylor Co Hich School JROTC (food drive) Taylor Co.

Family Connections All Counties

Youth and Adolescent Health All Counties


Patricia Fulmore Crisp Co.

Vesta Sheppard Crisp Co.

Evola Solomon Crisp Co.

Katrisha Williams Crisp Co.

Bennie Raines Macon Co.

Carlene Beckworth Schley Co.

Tommy Willis Sumter Co.

Louise Whiters Taylor Co.

Charlamange Fulks Taylor Co.

Joseph Sanders Taylor Co.

Elaine Nealy Webster Co.

Sandra Tookes Webster Co.

County Donated Office Space Donated Food Donated Items Donated Lbs. Volunteer


Wages Totals
Crisp $ 4,200.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 3,935.00 1200 41.00 $ 520.00 $ 10,905.00
Dooly $ 2,400.00 $ - $ 20.00 0 17.00 $ 188.00 $ 2,608.00
Macon $ - $ 165.00 $ 782.00 0 136.60 $ 1,731.75 $ 2,678.75
Marion $ 6,000.00 $ - $ - 0 21.00 $ 270.00 $ 6,270.00
Schley $ 2,400.00 $ - $ - 0 10.00 $ 160.00 $ 2,560.00
Sumter $ 7,325.00 $ 60.00 $ 228.00 0 4.00 $ 40.00 $ 7,653.00
Taylor $ 4,800.00 $ 800.00 $ 40.00 400 69.00 $ 526.00 $ 6,166.00
Webster $ 12,000.00 $ 42,206.38 $ 13,188.00 33660 604.00 $ 6,815.00 $ 74,209.68
FY 2019 Totals $ 39,125.00 $ 45,481.38 $ 18,193.30 35,260 903.00 $ 10,250.75 $ 113,050.43